- Integrated Circuits Ics are related to which generation of computers? What are the stages in the compilation process? A Feasibility study, system design and testing B Implementation and documentation C Lexical Analysis, syntax analysis, and code...Link: https://learningnetwork.cisco.com/s/article/200-301-ccna-study-materials
- Which of the following storage devices can store maximum amount of data? Which computer was considered the first electronic computer until when court invalidated the patent? A physical connection between the microprocessor memory and other parts of...Link: https://medicalexpo.com/medical-manufacturer/blood-glucose-meter-607.html
- Which was the most popular first generation computer? Which is considered a direct entry input device? From which generation operating systems were developed? How many address lines are needed to address each machine location in a x 4 memory chip? Why are vacuum tubes also called valves? An integrated circuit is A A complicated circuit B An integrating device C Much costlier than a single transistor D Fabricated on a tiny silicon chip What type of control pins are needed in a microprocessor to regulate traffic on the bus, in order to prevent two devices from trying to use it at the same time?Link: https://sites.rmit.edu.au/sister/2020/03/24/converting-an-in-class-test-to-online/
- Which of the following is used as a primary storage device? What are the three decisions making operations performed by the ALU of a computer? Nepal brought a computer for census of BS. This computer was of A first generation B second generation C third generation D fourth generation Algorithm and Flow chart help us to A Know the memory capacity B Identify the base of a number system C Direct the output to a printer D Specify the problem completely and clearly Which statement is valid about computer program? When was Pascaline invented? Which of the following statement is valid? What is required when more than one person uses a central computer at the same time? Which of the following is the first computer to use Stored Program Concept? The which computer? Once you load the suitable program and provide required data, computer does not need human intervention. What is a brand? A The name of companies that made computers B The name of product a company gives to identify its product in market C A name of class to indicate all similar products from different companies D All of above Dots per sq inch B.Link: https://auto.com/cars/volkswagen-tiguan-2_0t_se-2020-3vv3b7ax6lm016279
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- Answer: Voice Over Internet Protocol. Question: E-mail stands for? Answer: Electronic mail Question:Write some common output devices of computer. Answer: Monitor, Printer and Speaker. Question: Give some Example of programming language. Answer: YouTube is a famous video sharing site. Goojje is a Chinese Search Engine 4. Function of Modem is to convert digital signal to analog signal and also analog signal to digital signal 5. Answer: Uniform resource locator. Question: When Microprocessor was invented? Answer : Photo Editing Software. Question: What is Windows? What is SIMM? Answer: Read Only Memory. Question: What is RAM? Answer: Micro Processor Question: Who is the father of modern computer? Answer: Charles Babbage Question: What is the name of first personal computer?Link: https://msn.com/en-us?refurl=%2fen-us%2fweather%2ftopstories%2fcold-front-to-bring-a-change-to-the-suncoast-on-friday%2far-BBZYT5g
- Practice test "Basics of Information Technology MCQ" PDF with answers to solve worksheet: Introduction to information technology, IT revolution, cathode ray tube, character recognition devices, computer memory, computer mouse, computer plotters, computer printers, computer system software, memory devices, information system development, information types, input devices of computer, microphone, output devices, PC hardware and software, random access memory ram, read and write operations, Read Only Memory ROM , Sequential Access Memory SAM , static and dynamic memory devices, system software, video camera, and scanner. Practice test "Computer Architecture MCQ" PDF with answers to solve worksheet: Introduction to computer architecture, errors in architectures, arithmetic logic unit, bus networks, bus topology, central processing unit, computer languages, input output unit, main memory, memory instructions, motherboard, peripherals devices, Random Access Memory RAM , Read Only Memory ROM , and types of registers in computer.Link: https://bogota.ateos.co/wp-content/themes/unite/ffxiv-gorilla-nwpwz/fs5u0.php?52a812=edx-questions-and-answers
- Practice test "Data Communication MCQ" PDF with answers to solve worksheet: Introduction to data communication, data communication media, asynchronous and synchronous transmission, communication speed, modulation in networking, and transmission modes. Practice test "Data Protection and Copyrights MCQ" PDF with answers to solve worksheet: Computer viruses, viruses, anti-virus issues, data backup, data security, hackers, software and copyright laws, video camera, and scanner. Practice test "Data Storage MCQ" PDF with answers to solve worksheet: Measuring of data, storage device types, storage devices basics, measuring and improving drive performance, and storage devices files.Link: https://statisticssolutions.com/wechsler-adult-intelligence-scale-fourth-edition-wais-iv/
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- Network and List of Abbreviations will be provided at the end of the ebook to better understand and memorize the words and glossaries. Step 1: Click on the above-given download link. Step 3: After Logging in, you will see the list of all the available e-books.Link: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100717144944AAJ5hiw
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- Practice computer architecture MCQ PDF worksheet with answers to solve quiz questions: Introduction to computer architecture, errors in architectures, arithmetic logic unit, bus networks, bus topology, central processing unit, computer languages, input output unit, main memory, memory instructions, motherboard, peripherals devices, Random Access Memory RAM , Read Only Memory ROM , and types of registers in computer. Practice computer networks MCQ PDF worksheet with answers to solve quiz questions: Introduction to computer networks, LAN and WAN networks, network and internet protocols, network needs, network topologies, bus topology, ring topology, star topology, dedicated server network, ISO and OSI models, networking software, and peer to peer network. Practice data communication MCQ PDF worksheet with answers to solve quiz questions: Introduction to data communication, data communication media, asynchronous and synchronous transmission, communication speed, modulation in networking, and transmission modes.Link: https://meridian.allenpress.com/rapt/article/54/4/337/450324/Invited-Commentary-When-a-Conservation-Conflict
- Practice data protection and copyrights MCQ PDF worksheet with answers to solve quiz questions: Computer viruses, viruses, anti-virus issues, data backup, data security, hackers, software and copyright laws, video camera, and scanner. Practice data storage MCQ PDF worksheet with answers to solve quiz questions: Measuring of data, storage device types, storage devices basics, measuring and improving drive performance, and storage devices files. Practice displaying and printing data MCQ PDF worksheet with answers to solve quiz questions: Computer printing, computer monitor, data projector, and monitor pixels.Link: https://aboc.alabama.gov/exams-written-info/
- Practice interacting with computer MCQ PDF worksheet with answers to solve quiz questions: Computer hardware, computer keyboard, audiovisual input devices, optical character recognition devices, optical input devices, and optical input devices examples. Practice internet technology MCQ PDF worksheet with answers to solve quiz questions: History of internet, internet programs, network and internet protocols, network of networks, File Transfer Protocol FTP , online services, searching web, sponsored versus non-sponsored links, using a metasearch engine, using Boolean operators in your searches, using e-mail, web based e-mail services, and World Wide Web WWW.Link: https://sistemaws.com/index.php?dumps=PT0-001_Reliable-Exam-Answers-840405
- Practice introduction to computer systems MCQ PDF worksheet with answers to solve quiz questions: Parts of computer system, computer data, computer for individual users, computer hardware, computer software and human life, computers and uses, computers in society, desktop computer, handheld pcs, mainframe computers, minicomputers, network servers, notebook computers, smart phones, storage devices and functions, supercomputers, tablet PCs, and workstations. Practice operating systems MCQ PDF worksheet with answers to solve quiz questions: Operating system basics, operating system processes, operating system structure, Linux operating system, operating system errors, backup utilities, different types of windows, Disk Operating System DOS , DOS commands, DOS history, user interface commands, user interface concepts, user interfaces, and windows XP.Link: https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?threads/upgrading-your-trident-3.340675/
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