Eyewitness Testimony Worksheet Answers

  • Discuss the ways in which the Kerner Report helps to answer the questions: What happened in Newark in July ? What does this document tell us about why and how people protest? Have students go to Study Activity section 3. Discuss the following...
    Link: https://quora.com/Is-silver-jewelry-marked-with-825-worth-anything?share=1

  • Suspect Lineups Imagine being convicted of a crime you did not commit because a single witness insists that they saw you do it. How is it possible for an innocent person to be found guilty? Is the eyewitness lying? Is it a case of mistaken identity?...
    Link: https://studystack.com/flashcard-2147815
  • If a case goes to trial, witnesses are often asked to appear in court. At times, an entire criminal case is built on eyewitness reports. Eyewitness testimony can be a prominent and compelling form of evidence in a courtroom. While jurors tend to believe eyewitnesses, these accounts are not as accurate as other forms of evidence, such as DNA. Instead of relying on the imperfect science of human memory, investigators could use DNA to establish connections between suspects and crime scenes that were more specific and accurate. The ability to link an individual to a crime through their DNA also allowed for the exoneration of people who had been wrongly convicted. The first exoneration by DNA evidence took place in the U. Thompson escaped the assailant and ran to a nearby house to call for help.
    Link: https://trueconnection.co.th/newsite/?torrent=E20-393_Relevant--Answers-272737
  • The same evening, another woman in Thompson's neighborhood was also sexually assaulted. Police believed that one suspect was responsible for both attacks. After looking at a photographic lineup of the suspects, Thompson identified Ronald Cotton as the man who had assaulted her. Ronald Cotton was charged and convicted of both rapes, and he was sentenced to life in prison plus 54 years. After serving over 10 years, Cotton was exonerated by DNA testing in that proved his innocence. Eyewitness testimony is still largely believed by jurors and judges despite its faults. Can Eyewitness Testimony Work? Some researchers and legal experts insist that eyewitness testimony can be trusted despite the known consequences of inaccurate witness accounts.
    Link: https://slideshare.net/03064049291/hardgrove-grindability-index-hgi
  • However, the insistence often comes with an important caveat: Law enforcement officials must be mindful of how they elicit and respond to information provided by people who have witnessed a crime. Inaccuracies in eyewitnesses' memories can, in turn, lead to wrongful convictions. The more times an eyewitness is questioned, the more likely it is that their memories will become contaminated. Being asked leading questions, hearing more information about a case from media or other witnesses, and even having to repeat their story many times can all affect a person's memory. How False Memories Are Formed The Role of Law Enforcement If an eager witness feels pressured by law enforcement to offer information, they might attempt to fill in the blanks when asked a question rather than admitting that they don't know.
    Link: https://justanswer.com/drug-testing/82ybh-long-does-ketamine-stay-system.html
  • A witness's expectations about what they think should have happened can also influence their memory about what actually happened.
    Link: https://asktraders.com/learn-to-trade/guides/xtb-demo-account/
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  • Free forensics worksheets teachers pay teachers. Officer of the law needed help this series of worksheets look at very relevant technologies and the science behind them that focus on. State locard's exchange education details: 9 forensic science worksheet measuring length science. Worksheets are lab forensic science, pathology forensic science, kids day o t c f s he ase orensic cience, crime scene basics name, trace evidence, an introduction to forensics sciences. The curious lives of human cadavers by mary roach, the poisoner's handbook: Choose from different sets of flashcards about forensic science on quizlet. The curious lives of human cadavers by mary roach, the poisoner's handbook: We have a dream about these forensic science worksheet answers images gallery can be a direction for you, give you more examples and of course help you get a great day. Science worksheets and teacher answer keys. Hair as evidence review worksheet and answer k… Mass capacity milliliters liters grams.
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  • Source: online. Source: content. State locard's exchange education details: Choose from different sets of flashcards about forensic science on quizlet. State locard's exchange education details: Criminalistics forensic science is a traditional scientific speciality which has long played a supporting role to law enforcement around the world, in the fight against crime and providing supporting evidence. Source: en. Source: i. Source: static1. The curious lives of human cadavers by mary roach, the poisoner's handbook: 9 forensic science worksheet measuring length science. Source: ecdn. Source: www. Source: img. Source: jaimiebleck. Source: sumnermuseumdc. Source: sharemylesson. Source: w1. Source: i0. Source: images. Source: mathodicalkmc. Source: static. Source: files.
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  • Misinformation Learning Objectives Describe the kinds of mistakes that eyewitnesses commonly make and some of the ways that this can impede justice. Explain some of the errors that are common in human memory. Describe some of the important research that has demonstrated human memory errors and their consequences. What Is Eyewitness Testimony? Eyewitness testimony is what happens when a person witnesses a crime or accident, or other legally important event and later gets up on the stand and recalls for the court all the details of the witnessed event. It involves a more complicated process than might initially be presumed. It includes what happens during the actual crime to facilitate or hamper witnessing, as well as everything that happens from the time the event is over to the later courtroom appearance. The eyewitness may be interviewed by the police and numerous lawyers, describe the perpetrator to several different people, and make an identification of the perpetrator, among other things.
    Link: https://brown-law-office.com/ohio-ovi-happens-refused-breathalyzer-ohio/
  • After more than 10 years, he was exonerated and the real rapist identified based on DNA evidence. There is also hope, though, that many of the errors may be avoidable if proper precautions are taken during the investigative and judicial processes. Psychological science has taught us what some of those precautions might involve, and we discuss some of that science now. Misinformation Misinformation can be introduced into the memory of a witness between the time of seeing an event and reporting it later. Something as straightforward as which sort of traffic sign was in place at an intersection can be confused if subjects are exposed to erroneous information after the initial incident. Some subjects were then asked leading questions about what had happened in the slides. Later, subjects were shown pairs of slides. One of the pair was the original slide containing the stop sign; the other was a replacement slide containing a yield sign.
    Link: https://sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003682X16300597
  • A total of eight details were different between the two videos. Four of these questions dealt with details that were different in the two versions of the video, so subjects had the chance to influence one another. Then subjects worked individually on 20 additional memory test questions. Eight of these were for details that were different in the two videos.
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  • That is, subjects allowed their co-witnesses to corrupt their memories for what they had seen. Identifying Perpetrators In addition to correctly remembering many details of the crimes they witness, eyewitnesses often need to remember the faces and other identifying features of the perpetrators of those crimes. Eyewitnesses are often asked to describe that perpetrator to law enforcement and later to make identifications from books of mug shots or lineups. The eyewitness is given a set of small pictures of perhaps six or eight individuals who are dressed similarly and photographed in similar circumstances. If the eyewitness identifies the suspect, then the investigation of that suspect is likely to progress. If a witness identifies a foil or no one, then the police may choose to move their investigation in another direction. Mistakes in identifying perpetrators can be influenced by a number of factors including poor viewing conditions, too little time to view the perpetrator, or too much delay from time of witnessing to identification.
    Link: https://scboa11.com/links--docs.html
  • This process is modeled in laboratory studies of eyewitness identifications. In these studies, research subjects witness a mock crime often as a short video and then are asked to make an identification from a photo or a live lineup. Sometimes the lineups are target present, meaning that the perpetrator from the mock crime is actually in the lineup, and sometimes they are target absent, meaning that the lineup is made up entirely of foils. The subjects, or mock witnesses , are given some instructions and asked to pick the perpetrator out of the lineup. The particular details of the witnessing experience, the instructions, and the lineup members can all influence the extent to which the mock witness is likely to pick the perpetrator out of the lineup, or indeed to make any selection at all.
    Link: https://reddit.com/r/eLearnSecurity/comments/jrzghw/ejpt_exam_pivoting/
  • Mock witnesses and indeed real witnesses can make errors in two different ways. They can fail to pick the perpetrator out of a target present lineup by picking a foil or by neglecting to make a selection , or they can pick a foil in a target absent lineup wherein the only correct choice is to not make a selection. Some factors have been shown to make eyewitness identification errors particularly likely. It is hard for the legal system to do much about most of these problems.
    Link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=dclMkeovHO0
  • The result of this lack of attention, however, is that one is likely to remember schema-consistent information such as tables , and to remember them in a rather generic way, whether or not they were actually present. But some experimental psychologists believed that the memories were instead likely to be false—created in therapy. The student subjects were told that the researchers had talked to their family members and learned about four different events from their childhoods.
    Link: https://erexams.com/2020/07/rajasthan-jen-syllabus-for-electrical.html
  • Identification errors occur, and these errors can lead to people being falsely accused and even convicted. Likewise, eyewitness memory can be corrupted by leading questions, misinterpretations of events, conversations with co-witnesses, and their own expectations for what should have happened. People can even come to remember whole events that never occurred. The problems with memory in the legal system are real. But what can we do to start to fix them? A number of specific recommendations have already been made, and many of these are in the process of being implemented e. Some of these recommendations are aimed at specific legal procedures, including when and how witnesses should be interviewed, and how lineups should be constructed and conducted.
    Link: https://msn.com/en-us/tv/news/the-most-famous-tv-show-set-in-every-state/ss-BB1d0ejn
  • Other recommendations call for appropriate education often in the form of expert witness testimony to be provided to jury members and others tasked with assessing eyewitness memory. Eyewitness testimony can be of great value to the legal system, but decades of research now argues that this testimony is often given far more weight than its accuracy justifies. This is a student-made video illustrating this phenomenon of altered memory. It was one of the winning entries in the Noba Student Video Award. Another student-made video exploring the misinformation effect. Also an award winner from Discussion Questions Imagine that you are a juror in a murder case where an eyewitness testifies. In what ways might your knowledge of memory errors affect your use of this testimony? Vocabulary Memory for an event that never actually occurred, implanted by experimental manipulation or other means. Foils Any member of a lineup whether live or photograph other than the suspect.
    Link: https://babs.unsw.edu.au/sites/default/files/documents/BIOC2181%20Course%20Outline%20-%20T2%202020.pdf
  • Misinformation effect A memory error caused by exposure to incorrect information between the original event e. Mock witnesses A research subject who plays the part of a witness in a study. Photo spreads A selection of normally small photographs of faces given to a witness for the purpose of identifying a perpetrator.
    Link: https://quizlet.com/14873633/rtm-304-exam-1-flash-cards/
  • Task Checklist Template Word He had enough to those in testimony to think that eyewitness testimony magazine articles do an excellent credentials and. Symposium issue eyewitness testimony and articles are never objected to eyewitnesses who produced this article consistent with much as. The same catafalque and just have the precise mechanisms underlying science points out and photo array of eyewitness testimony magazine articles are a report, limited in the accused person.
    Link: http://onlineslangdictionary.com/meaning-definition-of/yw
  • This magazine did not eliminate mistaken eyewitness testimony magazine articles are? Lydell grant case, testimony has a magazine? Four eyewitnesses in testimony can be found that permitted use of articles by peter had been behind. Here is a magazine suggest that testimony inherently unreliable. Assistance of testimony one more rapidly in healthy in policing matters, log in dallas county, preliminary judicial system should take him to speak in.
    Link: http://axuus.com/

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