- This is an example of: A- Management attention to scope management. B- Management planning. C- A project expediter position. D- A change control system. Answer is C. In this situation, project manager acts as the secretary of the project and does...Link: https://bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z9jtw6f/revision/1
- Questions states that team member feels some of the measures on his activities are not valid. Therefore, he must be working during the executing phase of the project where project deliverables are produced and project members perform most of the...Link: https://weegy.com/?ConversationId=FEG49KND
- A- Fast track the project. B- Level the resources. C- Crash the project. D- Monte Carlo analysis. The answer is C, crash the project. Because, in first sentence, it is mentioned that schedule is too long, therefore the aim is making a shorter schedule. And in the second sentence it is mentioned that you have extra personnel resources. If you have resources, you can put more resources in an activity to complete it in a shorter time. And this is actually a description of crashing an activity or crashing the project.Link: https://linguistics.stackexchange.com/questions/38310/how-to-tell-languages-are-different
- If you look to the other options, fast tracking was performing activities in parallel instead of series, therefore it is irrelevant. Leveling the resources was for fixing the over-allocation of resources and distributing the tasks to all your resources uniformly. And Monte Carlo analysis was another estimating tool which is irrelevant choice as well. Therefore, here the best answer is C. The activity: A- Is on the critical path. B- Has a lag. C- Is progressing well. D- Is not on the critical path. Answer is D. And it gives 10 days of float for this activity. You will find the same result if you go through subtracting the early finish, 9 days, from the late finish, 19 days. Remember the critical path activities was having zero float, therefore the answer is D. Knowledge Area: Schedule Management Knowledge Area PMP Questions and Answers 9 Early in the life of your project, you are having a discussion with the sponsor about what estimating techniques should be used.Link: https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/rnn
- You want a form of expert judgment, but the sponsor argues for analogous estimating. It would be BEST to: A- Agree to analogous estimating, as it is a form of expert judgment B- Suggest life cycle costing C- Determine why the sponsor wants such an accurate estimate D- Try to convince the sponsor to allow expert judgment because it is typically more accurate. Answer is A. Agree to analogous estimating, as it is a form of expert judgment.Link: https://martinamatteo.it/cdec-oroville.html
- Since analogous estimating is a type of expert judgment you can accept it. This is a tricky question. There are five developers in the team. Rick is one of the developers in the team and Sue noticed that Rick is applying a different approach to complete Sprint tasks faster. Which one is the best course of action to do for Sue?Link: https://wastudentmath.org/pages/competitions/usamo.aspx
- A- Call the entire team immediately for a meeting and tell them that Rick has a new approach to complete tasks faster. B- Ask Rick to stop his task, and prepare a detailed guide regarding how to apply this approach. Then, distribute to the team. C- During the retrospective, ask Rick to share his approach with the team and ask the team if it is applicable for every developer. D- Ask Rick in the next daily standup meeting why he did not share this approach with the team. Answer: C. The Sprint Retrospective is an opportunity for the Scrum Team to inspect itself and create a plan for improvements for the next Sprint. The goal of this activity is to inspect-and-adapt the process. First, the team goes over what they have done well. Then, they focus on what they did wrong or slow or how they could have done it better. Based on the discussions, improvement areas and actions are planned for the next Sprints.Link: https://railroad.net/viewtopic.php?t=17122&p=165001
- In the executing process group, you begin to become concerned about the accuracy of progress reports from the projects. What would BEST support your opinion that there is a problem? If you read the second sentence again, it says that you are concerned about the accuracy of progress reports from the project. In order to check whether the standards of your organization have been applied in the projects that you are responsible of, you can conduct a quality audit and find out whether there is really a problem. Therefore, here the best answer is A, Quality Audits. Someone from the quality department comes to see you about beginning a quality audit of your project.Link: http://teachers-eligibility-test.com/betet/bihar-tet/
- In regression analysis, every time that an insignificant and unimportant variable is added to the regression model, the R2 decreases. The more variables that are added to the regression model, the better the model will fit the data. In multiple regression there is no need to consider the F-test, only the t-tests are important. Using multiple regression to regress five independent variables to predict y will give the same result as five separate regressions of y versus each independent variable. The multiple regression model is an extension of the simple regression model, involving more than two dependent variables. The multiple regression model assumptions for e, the error term, are the same as for the simple linear regression model. The symbol for the y-intercept in the multiple regression model is b0. The F-test of the ANOVA used in multiple regression is not equivalent to the t-test for the significance of the slope parameter used in simple linear regression.Link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=HzNtLpy_cQ4
- In testing for the existence of a linear relationship between y and any k variables, if the p-value for this test is 0. The square root of the MSE is the standard error of the estimate. The adjusted multiple coefficient of determination always increases as new variables are added to the model, just as R2 does. When carrying out individual t-tests on each of the variables in the multiple regression model, each test is independent of each other test. When independent variables are correlated with each other, multicollinearity is present. Multicollinearity may cause the signs of some estimated regression parameters to be the opposite of what we would expect. When using qualitative variables, we use an indicator variable for each of the r variables in the model. When the adjusted coefficient of determination decreases when a term is included in the multiple regression model, then that term should be retained in the model. A multiple regression model should be as parsimonious as possible.Link: https://federalsoup.com/blogs/federal-resume/2015/09/winning-the-administrative-law-judge-structured-interview.aspx
- When powers of the variables are used in the model, a linear model is no longer appropriate. Inflated values of variances and standard errors of regression coefficient estimators may be a sign of multicollinearity. Removing collinear variables from a regression model is the easiest way of solving problems of multicollinearity. The test to check for first-order autocorrelation is the Durbin-Watson test. Multiple regression uses one independent variable. There are no mathematical limitations on the number of independent variables in a multiple regression model. A this is an excellent regression C this is an average regression D this is not a good regression E not enough information to determine Answer: D Type: Concept Difficulty: Medium A multicollinearity is present B none of the five variables are statistically significant C this regression is excellent for prediction purposes D there is some evidence of a linear relationship between y and at least some of the x- variables, but the regression is extremely weak and useless for prediction purposes.Link: https://debq9r2rax06fv.azureedge.net/9596bf5a90d6c13e821b5189933481.pdf
- Define FP growth. First, it compresses the database representing frequent items into a frequent-pattern tree, or FP-tree, which retains the item set association information. It then divides the compressed database into a set of conditional databases What are Bayesian classifiers? Bayesian classifiers are statistical classifiers they can predict the class membership probabilities that give tuples belongs to particular class 26 What is rule based classifier It uses set of IF-THEN rules for classification rules can be extract from a decision tree rule may be generated from training data using sequential covering algorithm and associative classification algorithm What is rule?Link: https://joecjaow.site/pass-biology-level-1.html
- Rules are a good way of representing information or bits of knowledge. What is Backpropagation? It is a neural network algorithm for classification that employs a method of gradient descent. Define support vector machine. It uses a nonlinear mapping to transform the original training data into a higher dimension. What is associative classification? It uses a association mining technique that search for frequently occurring patterns in large database. Define Prediction with classification. Prediction is similar to classification First, construct a model Second, use model to predict unknown value ii. Major method for prediction is regression Linear and multiple regression.Link: https://gatetestseries.in/ee-gate-network-theory/
- Remember to cover your answers: you are committing serious academic misconduct if you do something that makes it easier for someone else to copy your work. Do not write your answers to the multiple-choice questions in large font next to each question: the Office of Academic Integrity investigates cases where this behavior is spotted. Despite our large numbers, students in our course have an excellent record regarding academic integrity and while violations and serious consequences have occurred they have been relatively rare. Let us continue to behave in a way that is clearly professional and marked by integrity. Advice to help you use them most effectively: Take each question in a quiet place where you can concentrate and time yourself. If a practice question is worth 12 points out of and the exam is 3 hours then write that question in This gives you practice doing your best while under pressure.Link: https://degruyter.com/princetonup/downloadpdf/book/9781400881918/10.1515/9781400881918-035.xml
- If you do not know how to do a problem, do NOT look at the solutions. Instead write out your best attempt. If you feel your best attempt is poor, use this as an indicator that you need to study the related material. BEFORE peeking at the solutions study your notes, the book, and your homeworks and try the practice problem again. When you feel you have your best answer, use the solutions grade yourself. Given the breadth and depth of our course, all important skills and knowledge cannot be covered in a single three-hour final exam. Hence, while old exams give a good indication about format, expectations, and level of analysis expected, they are not comprehensive study guides. Your textbook, lecture notes, and problems sets highlight the important components of our course.Link: https://chegg.com/homework-help/questions-and-answers/test-series-convergence-divergence-using-alternating-series-test-00-1-n-1-n-9n-n-1-identif-q72849408
- We Love Quizzes August 15, Data seem to be everywhere. And with the development of social networks, smartphones, and other technical systems, information is now the new gold for businesses. Whether you are a layman or a junior data scientist, check out these data mining quiz questions and answers to test your knowledge. Data Mining Quiz Questions and Answers 1. What is the main goal of data mining? To store and distribute data B.Link: https://ilearning.me/2018/02/15/quiz-imk/
- To turn raw data into helpful information C. To classify data for further tasks Click to see the correct answer Answer: B. To turn raw data into helpful information 2. Width and height belong to which form of data? Continuous data.Link: http://libertyadvocate.com/Swaggart%27s%20Perverted%20Gospel.htm
- Context is about describing a situation and setting the scene for a relevant example from your past. You can find random trivia questions and answers in every category like history, science, math, sports, movies, food, culture and many more. Top 52 human services worker interview questions and answers pdf 1. Start practicing Important: Important Notes. Featured on Meta Stack Overflow for Teams is now free for up to 50 users, forever.Link: https://beck-elibrary.de/10.15358/0344-1369-2017-3-76/conducting-mediation-analysis-in-marketing-research-volume-39-2017-issue-3
- Thus it measures the degree of dependence of one variable on the other. Spearman Rank Correlation methods give us the strength and direction of the monotonic relation between the connected variables. You ask it a question and Rgives you an answer. This equation is called […]. The answers are meant to be concise reminders for you. Excel is a great option for running multiple regressions when a user doesn't have access to advanced statistical software. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Task 9: Run an OLS regression model to answer the question of interest. Have mercy on your students: read the problem. Sample Correct Response: a. In this list of Python Scripting interview questions, we have covered all commonly asked basic and advanced Python programming questions with detailed answers to help you clear the job interview easily.Link: https://statpearls.com/ArticleLibrary/viewarticle/30982
- These short solved questions or quizzes are provided by Gkseries. Phone Interview Questions and Answers 1. The other variable Y , is known as dependent variable or outcome. A step by step tutorial showing how to develop a linear regression equation. Ask a new question or browse the. Categorizing Statistics Problems helps determine correct test. Sometimes you can reword your question to get a more useful answer. Variables in many settings are measured very often by their categories - and not exact intervals. Data Mining Quiz Questions and Answers. Econometrics questions about OLS regression lines and unrestricted regression models.Link: https://aiming.in/about-bvp-cet-exam
- The power of multiple regression with multiple predictor is to better predict a score than each. Some questions will be accompanied by a chart or graph you need to analyze to answer the question. Each has five answer options. Check out the ultimate resource on Basic Electronics Questions and Answers. To illustrate it, imagine that you are testing extracts from different tropical plants, trying to find something that will kill beetle larvae.Link: http://njal.com/
- In simple linear regression, the coefficient of correlation r and the least squares estimate of the population slope : a must have the same numerical value b must have opposite signs c must have the same sign d may have opposite signs or the same sign If all the points in a scatter diagram lie on the least squares regression line, then the coefficient of correlation: a must be 1.Link: https://indianexpress.com/article/partnered/benefits-of-upsc-civil-services-preparation-raus-ias-study-circle-6662360/
- If the sum of squares due to regression SSR is 60, which of the following must be true? For a given data set of x,y values, an infinite number of possible regression equations can be fitted to the corresponding scatter diagram, and each equation will have a unique combination of values for the y-intercept b0 and the slope b1. However, only one equation will be the "best fit" as defined by the least-squares criterion. The simple linear regression model assumes that for any given value of x, the population of residuals will be normally distributed with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of 1. When the predicted values of y and the actual values of y are the same, the standard error of estimate will be 0. The simple linear regression model assumes that regardless of the value for x, the standard deviation of the distribution of y values about the regression line is the same. The simple linear regression model assumes that the y values are statistically independent of each other but the residuals are statistically dependent of each other.Link: https://wayfair.com/home-improvement/sb0/bathroom-sinks-c524400.html
- The least-squares criterion requires that the sum of the squared deviations between the y values in the scatter diagram and the y values predicted by the equation be minimized. The value of the variation explained by the regression line can never be larger than 1. In a simple linear regression model, the residual is the horizontal distance from the regression line to an observed data point. The coefficient of determination is a number that indicates both the direction and the strength of the linear relationship between the dependent and independent variable. The coefficient of determination can be described in terms of the total variation in y versus the unexplained variation in y.Link: https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/56e42259cc1b51bc553a13fe/lamb-to-the-slaughter
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