- Here are some common general questions you may be asked: Where do you see yourself in five years? Why do you want to work for this company? Why should we hire you? What makes you stand out? What did you like most about your last position? What are...Link: https://ziamatic.com/contact-us/
- Here are common questions you may encounter at a real estate interview: What has been your favorite selling experience? What is your favorite part of working in real estate? How do you create a client base? What are the most important resources...Link: https://quizlet.com/366703712/solving-for-side-lengths-of-right-triangles-assignment-and-quiz-flash-cards/
- This is where potential buyers are looking to find houses, so having experience with these networks is essential. You can answer this question by talking about how you make sure all listings are online with thorough information. This way buyers have all the information they need to book a showing. To ensure the homes look beautiful online, I always hire professional photographers to take photos of the houses. Last month, one of my listings got 50 shares on Facebook and 30 comments on Instagram. As you get more clients, you will likely have more appointments each day. Creating an organizational system is crucial so you attend every appointment and are on time for all of them. You will often let the selling agent know what time you and your client will visit the home and they will block out that time for you. When you have multiple showings in one day, you should consider finding a system that works to increase your timeliness.Link: https://glassdoor.com/Interview/Eurofins-Scientific-Interview-Questions-E25113.htm
- I sync my computer to my phone and set reminders to go off 30 minutes before I need to leave for each appointment. I coordinate those colors to the files and emails I have on that client to ensure all of my information is easily found. Some clients you talk to in the real estate industry will be more challenging than others.Link: https://previouspapers.co.in/bank-exam-papers/
- The interviewer might be curious to see how you handled them in the past. Keep your answer as positive as possible by focusing on the learning experience you had. You can also keep the story short and instead focus on what you would do differently. This strategy can help you organize a brief yet illustrative response. I was tasked with finding listings that had all of the amenities they wanted, which was difficult due to the limiting budget. I began by focusing on homes within their budget that compromised on amenities. When the client was not satisfied, I then showed them homes that had everything they requested but noted how different their budget would need to be. We worked together to identify their must-have items and their optional amenities. We confirmed a very strict budget to ensure all listings would meet as many of their wishes as possible while still being affordable.Link: https://fuchsia.dev/fuchsia-src/development/idk/integrating
- You may work with clients who get excited to look at homes and walk away to explore the property on their own. This behavior may be frustrating to the process of highlighting specific features you intended to show them to help sell the house. Knowing how to redirect your clients can be a valuable skill to have to make appointments more productive.Link: https://multiservizi-bologna.it/edhesive-assignment-2.html
- This technique allows me to have a better chance of selling the house when I save the best parts until the end. Certain qualities can help you become a better real estate agent. Use this question to describe what areas you feel you are strongest in and how they relate to the field. One good quality you can state is strong communication skills. You can tell the interviewer how important it is to listen to a client so you understand their needs and wants. This can save you time when you only show them houses they have a better chance of buying. When I do a quick walkthrough of the potential houses, I can spot details they may like, increasing the chances of my client liking the home.Link: https://nsopw.gov/(X(1)S(vm0rvadhqb5pq4hqnyvojg5j))/en/SafetyAndEducation
- Use this interview question to discuss the early part of your process and demonstrate how you connect with clients to personalize your service. This process takes just a few minutes for clients and I use it to guide my initial conversation to further refine their listing options. Bring questions to ask the interviewer.Link: https://upbrightknowledge.org/tc.php
- Arrive on time. Dress professionally. Research the company. Consider reviewing their current listings and reading previous client reviews to understand who they sell to and how effective they are. This information can help you determine the skills and qualities you possess that make you a good fit and help you be prepared to answer questions about how you might approach a sale with their ideal clients. Prepare three to five questions to ask the interviewer. These questions can help you demonstrate that you researched the company and are familiar with their market. They can also be your chance to show your genuine interest in the role.Link: https://sampsonpsychtesting.com/2019/01/12/psychological-first-aid-tools-training-benefits-for-public-safety/
- As a real estate professional, you are likely to dress in business casual or business professional attire when on the job. Consider dressing for your interview in the same attire you would when meeting a client.Link: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130209155110AAJQFNB
- Please choose another answer. You can only legally receive a commission from your employer. True False Only a real estate licensee who is authorized by law to work independently can receive a commission directly from a member of the public. If not legally authorized to work independently, a real estate licensee can only receive a commission from the employing broker. This gives the employing broker additional control to ensure that, among other things, the transaction record is complete, fair housing laws are followed, and the appropriate disclosures are made in a timely fashion. Incorrect answer. Two managing brokers from different brokerage got together to play golf. During their private round of golf, the two brokers quietly decided to that the commission rates for the two brokerage firms should match. This is an example of: a. Legal behavior permitted in a free market economy. Illegal behavior under the Sherman Antitrust Act.Link: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=Y2VudGVydXNkLm9yZ3xhbGxyZWR8Z3g6MjA3MjhkNmY3Y2I0NTZmMA
- Illegal discrimination under federal fair housing laws. Prohibited by the Statute of Frauds Quietly fixing brokerage firm commissions is the anti-competitive, collusive behavior that the federal Sherman Antitrust Act made illegal in A is incorrect. Since the federal Sherman Antitrust Act of was enacted, firms including real estate brokerage firms have been legally prohibited from engaging in anti-competitive activity like fixing prices, fees, or commissions. Other prohibited acts include dividing up geographic territories or boycotting brokers offering cut-rate discounts. C is incorrect. There is nothing in the test question to suggest that the two brokers are engaging in housing discrimination. D is incorrect. The Statute of Frauds is not related to price fixing. The Statute of Frauds requires certain contracts and agreements be formalized in writing in order to be enforceable in a court of law.Link: https://rewards.sony.com/superfan-main.html
- Signed by the grantor b. Signed by the grantee c. Recorded at the state level. All of the above. A deed must be signed by the grantor i. B is incorrect. The grantee does not have to sign the deed. The grantee must accept delivery of the deed, but that can be achieved through possession of the deed, taking possession of the property, taking out a loan on the property, etc. For most states, official records are recorded at the county level. An agent, broker or lender who is "blockbusting" is trying to scare owners in a neighborhood into selling their property.Link: http://jsfiddle.net/ckxSs/16/
- Real estate licensees engaged in panic peddling by frightening homeowners with the prediction that minority members moving into the neighborhood would result in increased crime and declining property values. This now illegal practice was historically profitable for real estate professionals, and frequently resulted in homeowners selling at a loss. A buyer is applying for an ARM loan. Do the payments on this type of loan product change? They stay the same over the course of the loan. The interest rate changes annually, either raising or lowering the payment. The interest rate goes up every year. The interest rate goes down every year. In contrast to the fixed-rate mortgage, the ARM interest rate is tied to an economic index and can go up or down, depending on market trends.Link: http://pcrest.com/research/3_1_3%20Methodology%20for%20Creating%20a%20Quality%20Learning%20Environment.pdf
- An example of this type of emergency is when a borrower needs a new loan immediately in order to prevent an upcoming foreclosure sale. Note: Lenders are required to provide consumers with both a Loan Estimate and a Closing Disclosure, and are not allowed to charge for either disclosure. The Loan Estimate must be delivered to the consumer within 3 business days after the loan application is submitted. A major institutional lender discriminates against certain prospective borrowers based solely upon their homes being located in depressed neighborhoods. The lender does this by giving no consideration to either the condition of the specific property or the creditworthiness of the prospective borrower. What is the name of this illegal activity? Redlining c. Air loans d. Backward applications Redlining is the illegal denial of a loan application based upon the location of the securing property without any consideration of the employment history or creditworthiness of the loan applicant or of the condition of the property itself.Link: https://2ci8ng2bcf0x3omkxn13tvi2-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/DIP-Flyer.pdf
- This activity got its name from the maps that lenders used to have up in their offices. A silent second is a loan between the buyer and the seller for part or all of the down payment. Silent seconds are a type of mortgage fraud and are illegal. An air loan is another type of mortgage fraud perpetrated upon lenders. This involves getting a mortgage loan on a parcel of real estate that does not exist. A backward application is another type of mortgage fraud committed on lenders. Here, the buyer finds a desirable property and lies about his or her income in order to qualify for a purchase money mortgage. You are trying to price a property. What is the rough value of this property?Link: https://nnjournal.net/article/view/1113/568
- A measured line through a survey area from which triangulations are made Benchmark A surveyor's mark made on a stationary object of previously determined position and elevation and used as a reference point in tidal observations and surveys. Board Foot A unit of cubic measure for lumber, equal to one foot square by one inch thick. Decimal Pertaining to tenths or to the number The symbol that creates a decimal is called the decimal point. In the number Denominator The expression written below the line in a common fraction that indicates the number of parts into which one whole is divided. The term refers only to the bottom number in the fraction, not to the rest of the number. Equivalent Fraction Fractions which have the same value, even though they may look different.Link: https://ccnav7.net/ccna2-v6-0/
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