- To achieve this standard, students should be able to Describe political conflict in the United States both historically and at present, such as conflict about Engaging in wars What are the foundations of the American political system? What values...Link: https://gnc.com/energy-drinks-1/bangEnergyDrink.html
- Students should be able to describe the influence of American political ideas on other nations. To achieve this standard, students should be able to Describe the impact on other nations of the American Revolution and of the values and principles...Link: http://blogs.spsk12.net/3283/resources-semester-1/
- The student understands the causes of the American Revolution. The student understands the principles articulated in the Declaration of Independence. The student understands the factors affecting the course of the war and contributing to the American victory. The impact of the American Revolution on politics, economy, and society. The student understands revolutionary government-making at national and state levels. The student understands the economic issues arising out of the Revolution. Era 4: Expansion and Reform United States territorial expansion between and , and how it affected relations with external powers and Native Americans. The student understands the international background and consequences of the Louisiana Purchase, the War of , and the Monroe Doctrine.Link: https://careerexplorer.com/careers/marketing-manager/
- The United States won its independence from: C. Britain 2. The Revolutionary War lasted from: B. These famous words - "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal The Declaration of Independence 4. Which American Revolution figure was sentenced to death in the French Revolution? Thomas Paine 5. The second half of the war was fought almost entirely in: A. The South. Before being executed by the British, this year-old Patriot recited a line from Joseph Addison's tragedy Cato - "I only regret I have but one life to give for my country": C. Nathan Hale. The people who opposed the Revolution were called: A. Freedom was promised to slaves if they would fight: A. In the British army. To win the Revolution, America needed the help of: C. The French. On July 4, , the fiftieth anniversary of American independence: A. Both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died. A famous Revolutionary War pamphlet began: B.Link: https://fionetrapidresponse.com/
- These are the times that try men's souls. How many battle deaths did the Americans suffer in the war? A total of 25, people died as a result of the Revolution. Relative to the size of the population, which would that be equal to today? What percent of colonists actively backed the Revolution? Less than 50 percent Yankee Doodle called the feather in his cap "macaroni" because: A. That was the name of a popular clothing fashion. For most of the war, Washington's chief accomplishment was: A. Keeping the army together. The Minutemen were so called because: A. They could be mustered in a few minutes. Only one of the following signed the Declaration of Independence. Which one? Josiah Bartlett.Link: https://nurse-job.mims.com/blog/16/how-to-work-as-a-nurse-in-singapore/
- Most Americans who fought in the Revolution: B. Served briefly and then went home. The British occupied which of the following cities at some point during the Revolution: All are correct: A. New York. At the time of the Revolution, slave could be found in how many of the 13 colonies? All are correct: A. Five B. Seven C. Thirteen According to the Declaration of Independence, "all men The pursuit of happiness The Declaration refers to the King of Britain several times, but not by name. Who was then the King of Britain? George III The oldest signer of the Declaration of Independence was Who was he? Benjamin Franklin Who published "Common Sense," a pamphlet that helped to stir up a feeling for independence among Americans? Thomas Paine A popular cry during the pre-Revolutionary period in America was "Taxation without representation is Tyranny What was his reply?Link: https://regosasindaco.it/rushville-tractor-show-2019.html
- Returning Mid-Unit 1 Assessments 5 minutes B. Reviewing Learning Targets 5 minutes 2. Work Time A. Closing and Assessment A. Tracking Progress 15 minutes 4. Homework A. Accountable Research Reading. Select a prompt and respond in the front of your independent reading journal. Purpose of lesson and alignment to standards: In Opening A, students' Mid-Unit 1 Assessments are returned with feedback. This gives students the opportunity to see how they performed in order to improve in their next assessment. It also allows them to ask questions if they don't understand the feedback.Link: https://amazon.com/Filters-Injection-Platinum-2510SXT-Vortech/dp/B01MSZ28EN
- In this lesson, students complete the end of unit assessment, during which they read a new informational text about the American Revolution and answer questions about the main idea and structure of the text. They also write a summary of the text RI. After the assessment, students use the Tracking Progress: Reading, Understanding, and Explaining New Text recording form to formally keep track of and reflect on their learning. In this lesson, students focus on working to become effective learners by showing integrity and persevering as they read and answer questions independently for the end of unit assessment. How it builds on previous work: In previous lessons, students prepared for this assessment by reading informational texts and summarizing them.Link: https://stephanieresch.com/camry-assistant-rubber/free-criticall-practice-test.html
- Areas in which students may need additional support: If students receive accommodations for assessments, communicate with the cooperating service providers regarding the practices of instruction in use during this study as well as the goals of the assessment. Some students may require longer than the time allotted to complete the assessment. Assessment guidance: All assessment Materials student prompt and teacher checklist are included in the Assessment Overview and Resources.Link: https://in.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110124071826AAcibnz
- When assessing and providing feedback to students on this assessment, use the teacher answer key and sample student responses see the Assessment Overview and Resources to help complete the student Tracking Progress recording form. In this assessment, students are tracking progress toward anchor standards: R. Refer to Language Dive Practice: "American Indians and the American Revolution" answers, for teacher reference and Fragments and Run-ons Practice answers, for teacher reference as necessary. Down the road: In Unit 2, students read the book Divided Loyalties to analyze the different perspectives within one family, which they saw in the mid-unit assessment in Lesson 6.Link: https://studeersnel.nl/nl/document/technische-universiteit-delft/artificial-intelligence-techniques/verplichte-opgaven/bayes-assignment/9399708/view
- Gather Tracking Progress folders. Post: Learning targets and applicable anchor charts see Materials list. Tech and Multimedia Continue to use the technology tools recommended throughout Modules to create anchor charts to share with families, to record students as they participate in discussions and protocols to review with students later and to share with families, and for students to listen to and annotate text, record ideas on note-catchers, and word-process writing. ELLs may find the assessment challenging. Encourage students to consult classroom resources and give them specific, positive feedback on the progress they've made learning English. Ensure that ELLs understand the assessment directions. Answer their questions, refraining from supplying answers to the assessment questions themselves see the Meeting Students' Needs column. Allow students to review note-catchers, the Word Wall, and their Vocabulary log.Link: https://onemagazine.cl/?exam=HP0-M62_Exam-Requirements.html
- Universal Design for Learning Multiple Means of Representation MMR : To get the most informative data from the assessment, ensure that all students have access to the assessment directions and feel comfortable with the expectations. Continue to vary the ways in which you convey your expectations. Multiple Means of Action and Expression MMAE : If students have been using supports during the text-based discussions in this unit, consider allowing them to access these during the discussion.Link: https://bulletins.psu.edu/university-course-descriptions/undergraduate/psych/
- Example: Encourage students to use sentence frames or word banks from previous lessons. Supply them with tools to support self-monitoring during the assessment e. Continue to provide tools that minimize distractions.Link: https://tutorialspoint.com/unix_commands/echo.htm
- Further information: George Washington in the American Revolution The Continental Army consisted of soldiers from all 13 colonies and, after , from all 13 states. When the American Revolutionary War began at the Battles of Lexington and Concord on April 19, , the colonial revolutionaries did not have an army. Previously, each colony had relied upon the militia , made up of part-time citizen-soldiers, for local defense, or the raising of temporary "provincial regiments" during specific crises such as the French and Indian War of — As tensions with Great Britain increased in the years leading to the war, colonists began to reform their militias in preparation for the perceived potential conflict. Training of militiamen increased after the passage of the Intolerable Acts in Colonists such as Richard Henry Lee proposed forming a national militia force, but the First Continental Congress rejected the idea.Link: https://math.purdue.edu/php-scripts/courses/oldexams/serve_file.php?file=Ans-16200E2-S2003.pdf
- On April 23, , the Massachusetts Provincial Congress authorized the raising of a colonial army consisting of 26 company regiments. New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Connecticut soon raised similar but smaller forces. On June 14, , the Second Continental Congress decided to proceed with the establishment of a Continental Army for purposes of common defense, adopting the forces already in place outside Boston 22, troops and New York 5, It also raised the first ten companies of Continental troops on a one-year enlistment, riflemen from Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware and Virginia to be used as light infantry , who became the 1st Continental Regiment in On June 15, , the Congress elected by unanimous vote George Washington as Commander-in-Chief, who accepted and served throughout the war without any compensation except for reimbursement of expenses. Some Americans had a general aversion to maintaining a standing army; but on the other hand, the requirements of the war against the British required the discipline and organization of a modern military.Link: http://bledsoebcms.ss10.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_392483/File/AMERICAN%20REVOULTION%20STUDY%20GUIDE%20ANSWERS.pdf
- As a result, the army went through several distinct phases, characterized by official dissolution and reorganization of units. The Continental Army of , reorganized after the initial enlistment period of the soldiers in the army had expired. Washington had submitted recommendations to the Continental Congress almost immediately after he had accepted the position of Commander-in-Chief, but the Congress took time to consider and implement these. Despite attempts to broaden the recruiting base beyond New England, the army remained skewed toward the Northeast both in terms of its composition and of its geographical focus. This army consisted of 36 regiments, most standardized to a single battalion of men strong and formed into eight companies, with a rank-and-file strength of The Continental Army of — evolved out of several critical reforms and political decisions that came about when it became apparent that the British were sending substantial forces to put an end to the American Revolution.Link: https://discussions.citrix.com/topic/152851-gui-console-for-xenserver-host/
- The Continental Congress passed the "Eighty-eight Battalion Resolve", ordering each state to contribute one-battalion regiments in proportion to their population, and Washington subsequently received authority to raise an additional 16 battalions. Enlistment terms extended to three years or to "the length of the war" to avoid the year-end crises that depleted forces including the notable near-collapse of the army at the end of , which could have ended the war in a Continental, or American, loss by forfeit The Continental Army of —82 saw the greatest crisis on the American side in the war. Congress was bankrupt, making it very difficult to replenish the soldiers whose three-year terms had expired. Popular support for the war reached an all-time low, and Washington had to put down mutinies both in the Pennsylvania Line and in the New Jersey Line. Congress voted to cut funding for the Army, but Washington managed nevertheless to secure important strategic victories.Link: https://ec.litp.site/rUb
- As peace was restored with the British, most of the regiments were disbanded in an orderly fashion, though several had already been diminished. Soldiers[ edit ] Soldiers in the Continental Army were volunteers; they agreed to serve in the army and standard enlistment periods lasted from one to three years. Early in the war the enlistment periods were short, as the Continental Congress feared the possibility of the Continental Army evolving into a permanent army. The army never numbered more than 17, men.Link: https://jobtestprep.com/anthem-inc-test-prep
- Turnover proved a constant problem, particularly in the winter of —77, and longer enlistments were approved. They came from the working class or minority groups Irish, German, African American. They were motivated to volunteer by specific contracts that promised bounty money; regular pay at good wages; food, clothing and medical care; companionship; and the promise of land ownership after the war. They were unruly and would mutiny if the contractual terms were not met. By threats of mutiny and actual mutinies were becoming serious. During the Revolution African-American slaves were promised freedom in exchange for military service by both the Continental and British armies. Sometimes the militia units operated independently of the Continental Army, but often local militias were called out to support and augment the Continental Army regulars during campaigns.Link: https://gfxr.bakeryvoghera.it/cit225-lab-8.html
- The militia troops developed a reputation for being prone to premature retreats, a fact that General Daniel Morgan integrated into his strategy at the Battle of Cowpens and used to fool the British in States differed in how well they lived up to these obligations. There were constant funding issues and morale problems as the war continued.Link: https://chegg.com/homework-help/questions-and-answers/matlab-simulation-30-pts-attach-matlab-codes-end-exam-choose-numbers-eg-sample-size-n-simu-q46632412
- This led to the army offering low pay, often rotten food, hard work, cold, heat, poor clothing and shelter, harsh discipline, and a high chance of becoming a casualty. Mease worked closely with state-appointed agents to purchase clothing and things such as cow hides to make clothing and shoes for soldiers. Mease had eventually resigned in and had compromised much of the organization of the Clothing Department. After this on many accounts the soldiers of the Continental Army often were poorly clothed and had little blankets and often did not even have shoes.Link: https://espanol.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080507070715AAgiJWx
- The problem with clothing and having shoes for soldiers was often not the fault of not having enough but the organization and lack of transportation. To reorganize the Board of War was appointed to sort out the clothing supply chain. During this time they sought out the help of France and for the remainder of the war, clothing was coming from over-sea procurement. At the time of the Siege of Boston , the Continental Army at Cambridge, Massachusetts , in June , is estimated to have numbered from 14 to 16, men from New England though the actual number may have been as low as 11, because of desertions.Link: https://iwireservices.com/post/subaru-ej205-breakdown
- Until Washington's arrival, it remained under the command of Artemas Ward. The British force in Boston was increasing by fresh arrivals. It numbered then about 10, men. The British controlled Boston, and defended it with their fleet, but were outnumbered and did not attempt to challenge the American control of New England. Washington selected young Henry Knox , a self-educated strategist, to take charge of the artillery from an abandoned British fort in upstate New York, and dragged across the snow to and placed them in the hills surrounding Boston in March They negotiated an uneventful abandonment of the city, and relocated their forces to Halifax in Canada. Washington relocated his army to New York. For the next five years, the main bodies of the Continental and British armies campaigned against one another in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.Link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=RtfD8GnVmvE
- These campaigns included the notable battles of Trenton , Princeton , Brandywine , Germantown , and Morristown, among many others. The army increased its effectiveness and success rate through a series of trials and errors, often at great human cost. General Washington and other distinguished officers were instrumental leaders in preserving unity, learning and adapting, and ensuring discipline throughout the eight years of war. In the winter of —, with the addition of Baron von Steuben , a Prussian expert, the training and discipline of the Continental Army was dramatically upgraded to modern European standards. Washington always viewed the Army as a temporary measure and strove to maintain civilian control of the military , as did the Continental Congress , though there were minor disagreements about how this was to be carried out.Link: https://reddit.com/r/CAIA/comments/m8eaf1/how_much_overlap_is_there_between_cfa_and_caia/
- Throughout its existence, the Army was troubled by poor logistics, inadequate training, short-term enlistments, interstate rivalries, and Congress's inability to compel the states to provide food, money or supplies. In the beginning, soldiers enlisted for a year, largely motivated by patriotism; but as the war dragged on, bounties and other incentives became more commonplace. Major and minor mutinies—56 in all—diminished the reliability of two of the main units late in the war. By disguising his movements, Washington moved the combined forces South to Virginia without the British commanders in New York realizing it.Link: https://examtopics.com/exams/ibm/c2090-616/
- This resulted in the capture of the main British invasion force in the South at Siege of Yorktown. The Americans and their allies had won the land war in North America and independence was assured. Before the peace treaty went into effect in , the British partly recovered by defeating the French fleet at the Battle of the Saintes. Planning for the transition to a peacetime force had begun in April at the request of a congressional committee chaired by Alexander Hamilton. The commander-in-chief discussed the problem with key officers before submitting the army's official views on 2 May. Significantly, there was a broad consensus of the basic framework among the officers. Washington's proposal called for four components: a small regular army, a uniformly trained and organized militia, a system of arsenals, and a military academy to train the army's artillery and engineer officers.Link: https://certsmarket.com/MD-101-mock-test
- He wanted four infantry regiments, each assigned to a specific sector of the frontier, plus an artillery regiment. His proposed regimental organizations followed Continental Army patterns but had a provision for increased strength in the event of war. Washington expected the militia primarily to provide security for the country at the start of a war until the regular army could expand—the same role it had carried out in and Steuben and Duportail submitted their own proposals to Congress for consideration. Although Congress declined on May 12 to make a decision on the peace establishment, it did address the need for some troops to remain on duty until the British evacuated New York City and several frontier posts. The delegates told Washington to use men enlisted for fixed terms as temporary garrisons. When Steuben's effort in July to negotiate a transfer of frontier forts with Major General Frederick Haldimand collapsed, however, the British maintained control over them, as they would into the s.Link: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091104084015AAnxdXE
- That failure and the realization that most of the remaining infantrymen's enlistments were due to expire by June led Washington to order Knox, his choice as the commander of the peacetime army, to discharge all but infantry and artillerymen before winter set in. Congress issued a proclamation on October 18, , which approved Washington's reductions. In the message he thanked the officers and men for their assistance and reminded them that "the singular interpositions of Providence in our feeble condition were such, as could scarcely escape the attention of the most unobserving; while the unparalleled perseverance of the Armies of the United States, through almost every possible suffering and discouragement for the space of eight long years, was little short of a standing Miracle.Link: https://classmarker.com/online-test/start/?quiz=7nq4e9d1f3332139
- On December 23 he appeared in Congress, then sitting at Annapolis, and returned his commission as commander-in-chief : "Having now finished the work assigned me, I retire from the great theatre of Action; and bidding an Affectionate farewell to this August body under whose orders I have so long acted, I here offer my Commission, and take my leave of all the employments of public life. Congress had again rejected Washington's concept for a peacetime force in October When moderate delegates then offered an alternative in April which scaled the projected army down to men in one artillery and three infantry battalions, Congress rejected it as well, in part because New York feared that men retained from Massachusetts might take sides in a land dispute between the two states. Another proposal to retain men and raise new recruits also failed.Link: https://forbes.com/sites/hnewman/2019/05/31/researchers-release-new-test-for-video-gaming-addiction/
- On June 2 Congress ordered the discharge of all remaining men except twenty-five caretakers at Fort Pitt and fifty-five at West Point. The next day it created a peace establishment acceptable to all interests. The plan required four states to raise men for one year's service. Congress instructed the Secretary at War to form the troops into eight infantry and two artillery companies. Pennsylvania, with a quota of men, had the power to nominate a lieutenant colonel, who would be the senior officer. New York and Connecticut each were to raise men and nominate a major; the remaining men came from New Jersey. Economy was the watchword of this proposal, for each major served as a company commander, and line officers performed all staff duties except those of chaplain, surgeon, and surgeon's mate. Under Josiah Harmar , the First American Regiment slowly organized and achieved permanent status as an infantry regiment of the new Regular Army.Link: http://staging.habco.biz/cgi-bin/content/view.php?data=n4_qauny_surveyor_question_paper_n_memorundum&filetype=pdf&id=4acf3a8a8fa63bbe88ae75e846e2a978
- However, the United States military realized it needed a well-trained standing army following St. The plans, which were supported by U. The command would be based on the 18th-century military works of Henry Bouquet , a professional Swiss soldier who served as a colonel in the British Army , and French Marshal Maurice de Saxe. In Anthony Wayne, a renowned hero of the American Revolutionary War, was encouraged to leave retirement and return to active service as Commander-in-Chief of the Legion with the rank of major general.Link: https://pass4sure.com/CQE-certification.html
- Ribands as rank insignia: Aide-de-camp, commander-in-chief, brigadier-general. The legion was recruited and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It was formed into four sub-legions. These were created from elements of the 1st and 2nd Regiments from the Continental Army.Link: https://examenget.com/view/ict-questions-and-answers-for-jhs-2
American Revolution Test Answer Key
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